The natural environment in Texas faces an onslaught of change to accommodate the residents and businesses attracted by its scenic beauty. Within our lifetimes, many opportunities to safeguard the unique natural and historical communities of our state may be lost forever. Unfortunately, the myriad and heroic efforts of public agencies and conservation organizations are often hampered by a lack of reliable, credible, and affordable scientific and technical services.
To increase access to technical expertise, TCS offers affordable consulting services to communities and environmental groups, in addition to public agencies and private businesses. As a freestanding 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, TCS does not engage in advocacy, lobbying, or political activities, but instead offers independent, credible consulting to support the conservation efforts of others.
Nonprofit organizations, public agencies, private businesses, and landowners require qualified, affordable, and independent consultants. The novel approach proposed below meets this need, by establishing a nonprofit technical consulting group that is a nonprofit itself.
To increase access to technical expertise, TCS offers affordable consulting services to communities and environmental groups, in addition to public agencies and private businesses. As a freestanding 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, TCS does not engage in advocacy, lobbying, or political activities, but instead offers independent, credible consulting to support the conservation efforts of others.
Nonprofit organizations, public agencies, private businesses, and landowners require qualified, affordable, and independent consultants. The novel approach proposed below meets this need, by establishing a nonprofit technical consulting group that is a nonprofit itself.
The mission of Texas Conservation Science is to provide affordable scientific and technical services to conserve land and water resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems; and to promote responsible urban and rural development.